Stop competing. Start leading! 

Transform your career by learning to practice leadership authentically and naturally.

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Grants Pro Training for All Stages

No matter where you are in your career as a grant professional, Amanda Faye has a course for you to support your professional development and career growth. 

Grant Writing for STEM Research Seminar

Learn how to construct effective research grant proposals for federal agencies such as the NIH, NSF, DOD, and more.

What's included? 

10 weekly modules

Weekly live Q&A sessions

In-depth instruction from cradle to grave of research grant strategy, prep, and submission

Email coaching with the instructor

Certificate of Completion



Write to Lead Retreat:

Transforming Grant Writers into Nonprofit Leaders

Write to Lead is a retreat style workshop to help grant writers tap into their innate personality characteristics to develop their leadership skills and help them take on leadership roles within their organizations. This is not about studying leadership models or theories. You are going to set real world goals and work toward achieving them. This is for grant professionals who are ready to go beyond sitting in the bleachers and watching things happen and step onto the field and make things happen.

âś…January 14 - pre-retreat session

âś…January 21 - 5-hour intensive online retreat 

âś…½ hour Coffee Chat each week, 4 weeks post-retreat

âś…February 25 - 1-hour post-retreat session at 1 month follow-up


The Art Behind the Science

Join me in an interactive and hands-on webinar to develop skills to write federal research grants. In this 90-minute webinar, we will explore the practical matters of developing and writing a federal research grant, and we will discuss strategies for managing large grant teams and working with scientists on proposal development. Through case studies and presented scenarios, we will investigate solutions to common research grant preparation challenges. You will also receive an e-Book of grant development tools I personally developed and currently use with clients to write research grants.


Communication Strategies for Managing Large Team Grants

I've combined lessons from the Grant Writing for STEM Research Seminar and Write to Lead to give you a specialized package about communication, organization, and conflict resolution for grant writers. 

Approximately 3 hours of learning content. 


Statistics for Grant Writers

Learn the language of statistics, how to work with a statistician or evaluator, and how to take statistical analysis into consideration when writing a grant.


Let's get started!


I'm Amanda Faye, and I help grant pros advance to leadership positions, earn more money, and grow as expert grant professionals. I'm a GPA-Approved Trainer and a GPCI Approved Education Provider. And I want to help you grow as a leader, advance your career, and spend your life and time doing more of the things you care about. 

More About Me
Janet Johnson

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Aimee Right

"Kim's classes are so much fun, I can't wait for the next one!"

Jamie Sonet

"Kim's classes helped me build confidence."

John Block

"I've always dreaded the gym, but I look forward to every one of Kim's classes."

Bridget Blue

"I was worried I wouldn't get a great workout, but I can feel the burn!"

Angie Birman

"I never thought getting fit could be so fun! Kim is great at what she does."

Have fun and get fit, even if the gym isn't your thing 


You don't have to be a fitness enthusiast to come groove with us. Kim Fit is all about getting your body moving, not having perfect form. Join me to let loose, learn some new moves, and live fit. 

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